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Mai 27, 2023

Be your own band and be ready to “tap and roll”

Click on menu item "Tapping Game” (here on the left) to download your two-page "Tapping Board” from this website. Watch the set-up video, be creative, prepare your “instruments,” and let the tapping begin! ...

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Mai 20, 2023


The early bird catches the worm! No matter if you are already registered or missed the deadline for the reduced symposium fee, it’s still possible to be an EARLY BIRD. ...

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April 18, 2023

AiM23 Timetable – available now!

Here (please click to download) you can find a PDF of the schedule with times listed in two zones for your reference. For exact details about the topics and the presenters, as well as to set up your ...

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März 28, 2023

Don’t miss the EARLY BIRD deadline of May 1st!

Hop on to Eventfrog after registering for the event at "My Symposium," and you will be able to choose to pay your symposium fee with a credit card! This is a new service for AiM, and we hope that it will make ...

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Februar 21, 2023


AiM23 will include an exclusive interview with Mark Cuban, who will bring his unusual perspective from decades of success through self-motivation to the symposium (see “Special Guest” here on this page). Don’t miss your chance to hear him answer questions ...

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Januar 11, 2023

A “New" Year With “Old” Goals?

Honestly, if your New Year’s resolutions look like they have been recycled from previous years, it’s time to ask: WHY this déjà vu? Making change isn’t easy, and the first step is to identify the problem. What would you need ...

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Januar 03, 2023

INFLATION is everywhere, just not here!

In the innovative spirit of Art in Motion, we will defy the worldwide trend and will not be increasing our participant fees this time around. Instead, we are freezing them at the 2021 level. We hope that this small gesture ...

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Bundesverband Deutscher Gesangspädagogen e.V.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin e.V.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Musik und Medizin
Schweizerisches Hochschulzentrum für Musikphysiologie
Verband Bayerischer Sing- und Musikschulen e. V.
unisono Deutsche Musik- und Orchestervereinigung e.V.
© 2023 Hochschule für Musik und Theater München - Design & CD: capdance - Seitenerstellung & Programmierung: Jens Broens